Mother’s Day Hangover… Fancy 20% Off Organic, Vegan Bubbles? Read on…

Mother’s Day Hangover… Fancy 20% Off Organic, Vegan Bubbles? Read on…

OK, we went a bit Mother’s Day Crazy…

We went a little bit Mother’s Day crazy last week. We celebrated all things maternal with everything from recipes for Prosecco-spiked vegan pancakes to Instagram posts of gorgeous mums including Goldie Hawn and Kate Hudson (above), Chrissy Teigen and tot Luna, and Beyonce cradling her twins.

International Women’s Day…

Mothering Sunday came at the end of a week that included International Women’s Day, which brings into focus the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. There were a few naysayers asking why a special day was needed to celebrate women, but they might also be the same people who don’t know, or – even worse – who think it doesn’t matter, that there are more men named David or Dave running FTSE-100 companies than women.

Or that of last year’s 250 highest grossing films only 7% were directed by women. And that gender parity around the world is still 200 years away, according to the World Economic Forum’s 2017 Global Gender Gap Report. We could go on, but we prefer to party than to pontificate.

We are proud that Thomson & Scott is run by a female CEO. Amanda Thomson has benefited from the help of incredible mentors, and she is just as committed to help other women get on in business. She likes to quote Facebook CEO Sheryl Sandberg, “In the future there will be no female leaders. There will just be leaders”.

We’ll drink to that – especially if it’s a glass of organic, vegan, Thomson & Scott Skinny Prosecco. And our 20% discount offer to celebrate Mother’s Day is still valid – enter LOVEMUM at checkout to benefit.

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