Good Housekeeping Gets Noughty With Founder Amanda Thomson

Good Housekeeping Gets Noughty With Founder Amanda Thomson

Good Housekeeping Magazine spoke to Noughty Alcohol-Free Sparkling Founder Amanda Thomson about what gets her out of bed in the morning. The edition, on shelves now for December, raises. glass to the women who are shaping the future of the wine industry both here in Britain and across the globe.

As part of the article, GH asked Amanda to answers some quick-fire questions:

The first thing I do in the morning is...

drink coffee.

My celebratory drink of choice is...

Noughty alcohol-free sparkling wine, of course!

My favourite way to relax is...


My New Year’s resolution is...

to be more zen.

How do you typically spend New Year’s Eve?

With family and really close friends.

My work ambition for 2022 is...

global domination!

My top advice in business is...

Ask yourself what’s the worst that can happen?

Cornwall or Caribbean?


Book or boxset?


Marathon or meditation?

Honestly, neither.

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