
Good Housekeeping USA Votes Noughty Best Alcohol-Free Sparkling Wine

Good Housekeeping, one of America's best-read magazines, has declared Noughty Alcohol-Free Sparkling Chardonnay its Best non-alcoholic sparkling wine.

Perfect for the holiday season for those looking to balance their alcohol intake and still want to hear the pop of the cork, Noughty is revolutionising the way in which consumers can enjoy non-alcoholic options during celebrations.

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Derek Brown's Holidays Without the Hangover!

Non-alcoholic drinks expert Derek Brown has put together the perfect guide to help you navigate through the Holiday Season without the thumping headache and morning-after shame.  

Derek is offering to "teach the recipes and techniques that create memorable holiday drinks with or without alcohol, which attendees can make for their own holiday parties."

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L.A. Eater's Guide to Holiday Season Gifts for Angelenos...

Looking for that last minute gift to wow the family or friends across the festive season?  Yes, we're all scouring the interweb looking for that special something.  The New Bar has the answer, which of course includes a bottle of Noughty, and is listed HERE.

If you're based in Los Angeles, you're arguably amongst some of the finest food and drinks outlets in the country.  L.A. Eater, the online guide to great culinary offerings in Southland offers an incredible list of ideas.

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