The World's Leading Wine Preservation Brand Coravin Plugs For Noughty - And The Results Are Astounding...

The World's Leading Wine Preservation Brand Coravin Plugs For Noughty - And The Results Are Astounding...

Wine preservation technology has come on in leaps and bounds over the last few years, with new, innovative designs and methods of enabling quality wine to remain fresh as the day it was uncorked.  And it's in no small part thanks to Coravin, the leading wine preservation brand whose various clever gadgets can be seen attached to some of the world's finest wine bottles!

So you can image our delight when Noughty was taken under their wing as the perfect example of the first (and dare we say best) non-alcoholic wine to be formally tested under the Coravin system and the results were incredible.

It was found that Noughty Sparkling Chardonnay and Tempranillo wines under the Coravin Sparkling™ system stayed fresh for up to 12 weeks and Noughty still wines - the Rouge, Blanc and Rosé - using either the Timeless™ or Pivot™ systems also retained most of their flavour and freshness for up to 4 weeks and beyond.

The Coravin team were so delighted with the results, they have featured us on the company's homepage and to promote the Pivot™ system.

To learn more about the incredible Coravin devices click HERE.