
Is the World Cup Losing Its Sparkle?
Britain is running out of CO2! Our beer will be as flat as the nation’s mood after Gareth Southgate’s penalty kick in 1996! There will be NO beer to drink during the World Cup! Headlines about the planet running out...
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By Cornwall, That’s Good
By Cornwall, That’s Good June 7, 2017 Congratulations to Cornwall. Tucked away on the toe of Britain, it’s sometimes overlooked by the rest of Britain as solely a much-loved summer holiday destination. Or windswept location for Poldark. Or surf-cool capital...
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Just Chillin’
From dilution damage limitation to exploding bottle prevention, Thomson & Scott gives the lowdown on cooling your Skinny Prosecco in less time than it takes to… open a bottle. You’re welcome. We’ve all been there. Emergency ice cube time, or...
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