
Buy Women Built: Your New Favourite Way to Shop and Support Women-led Businesses
A recent report called the Rose Review revealed some startling facts about women-led businesses.  In the UK alone we simply don’t have enough women starting businesses - we are 30% behind other developed countries. That affects us all as it means we are missing out on £200 billion that more women-built businesses can contribute to our economy, our future, and our communities. 
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L.A. Eater's Guide to Holiday Season Gifts for Angelenos...

Looking for that last minute gift to wow the family or friends across the festive season?  Yes, we're all scouring the interweb looking for that special something.  The New Bar has the answer, which of course includes a bottle of Noughty, and is listed HERE.

If you're based in Los Angeles, you're arguably amongst some of the finest food and drinks outlets in the country.  L.A. Eater, the online guide to great culinary offerings in Southland offers an incredible list of ideas.

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